About Us
Westside Interfaith Network (WIN) convenes people of faith on the westside of Seattle. We are truly interfaith with Protestant (Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran to name a few), Catholic, Jewish, LDS, Universalists, 7th Day Adventist, and Buddhist members, as well as unaffiliated folx who simply believe in “doing the good work.”
We care about our neighbors who are hurting & suffering, marginalized & unseen. We feel called (no matter what that means within our own personal spirituality) to serve and be of service to our neighbors who lack housing, food, and a place at the table.
In the early 2000’s twelve westside faith communities came together to participate in Family Promise, a nationwide non-profit organizing faith communities to house families experiencing homelessness. We worked together to build a viable program, walking alongside many families on their path to housing and stability. With the 2008 recession the program lost its funding and was suspended. Our hearts were broken but our spirits called us on a new path of interfaith service work.
In about 2015 we joined hands with a men’s ministry group making grilled cheese sandwiches in a parking lot in White Center, feeding anyone who was hungry. Soon WIN volunteers were bringing donations of clothing, hygiene, toiletries, and expanding the menu to hot casseroles, soup, treats and coffee. We worked together to meet the needs of the community, listening, learning and responding wherever and however we could.
We began raising money to prevent evictions, buy work boots and tents, pay off utility bills, and get cars out of impound. WIN has stuffed backpacks full of supplies at Christmas and serves festive holiday meals. We have established partnerships with the West Seattle Helpline (now part of the West Seattle Food Bank), St. Vincent de Paul, and the Church Council of Greater Seattle.
With the COVID pandemic WIN moved the hot meal program, now named “The Welcome Table,” to the Body of Christ Church in White Center, which allowed for a safer, more controlled environment. We continued to provide donations today with a deep commitment to serve this community every Saturday, no matter what. We are the main weekend meal in White Center, providing nourishment and supplies for people experiencing homelessness, low income, immigrant, and undocumented folx. All are welcomed into our beloved community with dignity and compassion.
We are a 509(a)(2) public charity (EIN #93-3042459) and accept donations to help support our work.
Volunteers and donations are welcome at any time! Please contact us at WINWelcomeTable@googlegroups.com and to sign up for our Welcome Table newsletter.